Weatherford 16-25 High-Torque Casing Tong
The Weatherford 16-25 hydraulic casing tong provides 25,000 ft-lb (33,900 N•m) of torque capacity for running and pulling 6 5/8- to 16-in. casing. At the heart of this versatile and lightweight tong is a unique gated rotary that completely encircles the casing. This design provides as many as seven
contact points that distribute gripping forces over a greater area than conventional tong designs, ensuring a positive grip without damaging the casing. The optional integral free-floating backup helps
to ensure proper connection makeup and long- term wellbore integrity.
• Running and pulling 6 5/8- to 16-in. tubulars
Features, Advantages, and Benefits
• The tong design handles high-torque requirements without the case body distortion problems that
plague many other tongs, so it reduces equipment repair costs and increases efficiency.
• The versatile and lightweight tong is easy to operate, which saves time and enhances personal safety.
• The tong design allows the operator to switch between makeup and breakout modes by moving a single
pin, which saves time and increases operational efficiency.
• The optional hydraulic free-floating backup virtually eliminates shearing and bending when making up
or breaking out connections, reducing casing deformation that can affect long-term wellbore
• The hydraulic door interlock prevents tong operation while the doors are open or unlatched, providing
additional safety.
• An optional lift cylinder quickly adjusts to varying connection heights, making this versatile tong
easily adaptable for different stump heights.
• Multiple contact points distribute gripping forces, preventing damage to casing and the need for
costly repairs.
• Compatibility with Weatherford JAMPro™ torque control systems enables real-time monitoring of torque,
turns, and speed.
Pipe size range: 6-5/8 to 13-3/8 in.a 16 in.b
Rated torque in low gear (ft-lb, N·m):25,000/33,900
Rated speed in high gear (rpm):93
Tong dimensions (in., mm):34×54×31/864×1,356×782
Torque arm length (in., mm):32/813
Weight (lb, kg):1,075/488
Nominal power requirement flow
(gal/min, L/min):60 to 80/227 to 303
Nominal power requirement flow
(gal/min, L/min):30 to 40/114 to 152
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