Liquid-O-Ring 1091 MEAN & GREEN Heavy-Duty Cleaner
Liquid-O-Ring 1091 Mean & Green is a superior, water-based, heavy-duty liquid cleaner. Designed for a multitude of tough industrial cleaning jobs, this biodegradable cleaner attacks greasy, grimy surfaces allowing the dirt to be easily washed away without streaks and discolorations.Liquid-O-Ring 1091 Mean & Green is formulated to remove buildup of grease, oils, muds, waxy paraffin residues, and other hydrocarbon base deposits without damaging the environment or ozone. It is recommended for the cleaning of grease injector equipment including grease control heads, cable lubricators, and injection pumps.Applications for Liquid-O-Ring 1091 Mean & Green are found in many areas including general industry, machine shops, marine industry, automotive shops, aviation industry, petroleum industry, printing industry, and municipalities.
A safe, economical, all-purpose cleaner, Liquid-O-Ring 1091 Mean & Green contains no toxic solvents, free alkalies, acids, or abrasives. Unlike many similar products, it does not contain butyl cellosolve.Mean & Green Liquid-O-Ring 1091 is highly concentrated and will readily mix with hot or cold, hard or soft, salt or fresh water. Mean & Green 1091 can be mopped, sprayed, or wiped on, allowing time to soak. It is then rinsed off with clean water. Mean & Green Liquid-O-Ring 1091 can be used on metal, wood, rubber, tile, concrete, or painted surfaces.1091 Mean & Green, when properly diluted, is effective in cleaning wireline units, tanks and equipment in machine shops, floors (especially in grease plants and food plants), airplanes, boats, trucks and trailers used to haul pipe, threads, equipment, engines (as mild degreaser), houses (using pressure washer), spots from carpet and carpet floor mats, greasy rags, greasy hands, jewelry, bilge pumps, and soiled, painted surfaces.
▪ Biodegradable
▪ Multipurpose
▪ Safe
▪ Non-corrosive
▪ Economical
▪ Non-flammable
▪ Non-combustible
▪ Water soluble
▪ pH balanced
▪ Non-caustic
▪ Leaves no surface residue
▪ Environmentally acceptable
▪ Non-toxic
▪ Does not contain butyl cellosolve
Appearance:Viscous Fluid
Density, lb/gal @ 77°F (25°C):8.76
Specific Gravity @ 77°F (25°C):1.05
Vapor Density:>1
Flash Point, ASTM D-93:Non-flammable
Boiling Point:>212°F (100°C)
Freezing Point:26°F (-3.3°C)
Viscosity, ASTM D-1200 #4 Ford cup @ 77°F (25°F):20 sec
Solubility in Water:Complete
Shelf Life (unopened container):Two years
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